در دوره آموزشی Udemy Learn and Understand C Plus Plus با زبان سی پلاس پلاس و ویژگی های آن آشنا می شوید.
سر فصل های این دوره آموزشی :
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Set Up
Section 3: First C++ Program
Section 4: Interaction with user
Section 5: More advanced examples
Section 6: Repeating code executions
Section 7: Arrays – basics
Section 8: Functions – basics
Section 9: Exception handling
Section 10: Structures in CPlusPlus
Section 11: Generic programming
(Section 12: STL (standard types in CPlusPlus
Section 13: Classes in CPlusPlus
Section 14: Classes in CPlusPlus
Section 15: Decomposition
Section 16: Interaction with WinAPI
Section 17: Files in CPlusPlus
Section 18: Basic Encryption