در دوره آموزشی Udemy Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming با مباحث برنامه نویسی پایتون به صورت تمرینی و عملی آشنا می شوید.
سر فصل های دوره آموزشی Udemy Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming :
Section 1: Python Basics
Get Python Installed
Basic Terminology and Using IDLE
Writing Our First Program
Section 2: Flow Control
Flow Charts and Basic Flow Control Concepts
If, Else, and Elif Statements
While Loops
For Loops
Python’s Built-In Functions
Writing Your Own Functions
Global and Local Scopes
Section 4: Handling Errors with try/except
Try and Except Statements
Section 5: Writing a Complete Program: Guess the Number
Writing a “Guess the Number” Program
Section 6: Lists
The List Data Type
For Loops with Lists, Multiple Assignment, and Augmented Operators
List Methods
Similarities Between Lists and Strings
Section 7: Dictionaries
The Dictionary Data Type
Data Structures
Section 8: More About Strings
Advanced String Syntax
String Methods
String Formatting
Section 9: Running Programs from the Command Line
Launching Python Programs from Outside IDLE
Section 10: Regular Expressions
Regular Expression Basics
Regex Groups and the Pipe Character
Repetition in Regex Patterns and Greedy/Nongreedy Matching
Regex Character Classes and the findall() Method
Regex Dot-Star and the Caret/Dollar Characters
Regex sub() Method and Verbose Mode
Regex Example Program: A Phone and Email Scraper
Filenames and Absolute/Relative File Paths
Reading and Writing Plaintext Files
Copying and Moving Files and Folders
Deleting Files
Walking a Directory Tree
Section 12: Debugging
The raise and assert Statements
Using the Debugger
Section 13: Web Scraping
The webbrowser Module
Downloading from the Web with the Requests Module
Parsing HTML with the Beautiful Soup Module
Controlling the Browser with the Selenium Module
Section 14: Excel, Word, and PDF Documents
Reading Excel Spreadsheets